Key: D
Form: Reel
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF:
Over the Waterfall – Melody
Over the Waterfall – Low & Lower Harmonies
X: 3 T: Over The Waterfall R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj "D"f2 af "A7"gf e2|"D"d2 B2 A4|"D"f2 a2 "A7"gf e2|"D"d4 d3 e| "D"f2 af "A7"gf e2|"D"d2 B2 A2 AB|"C"=c2 cc B2 A2|1 "G"G4 G4:|2 "G"G4 G2 EG|| |:"D"A2 AA "G"B2 d2|"D"ABAG F2 G2|"D"A2 d2 "A7"cd e2|"D"f4 f4| "D"A2 AA "G"B2 d2|"D"ABAG F2 GG|"D"A2 F2 "A7"GF E2|1 "D"D4 D2 FA:|2 "D"D4 D2 de||
Source (if known): Henry Reed
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Appalachian (Virginia)
Notes: Tune collected by Alan Jabbour
vfo summer 17