Key: G
Form: Reel?
MP3: (played by David Kaynor)
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
X: 1 T: Our Run C: David A. Kaynor 2015 R: Reel N: for Andrea Katz M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: G ef|:"G"g2dc BGAG|"D"FA D2D2 GA|"G"B2dB "C"cBAG|"D"FGAB A2 ef| "G"g2dc BGAG|"D"FA D2D2 EG|"Am"AEAG FDFC|1"D"EBBF "G"G2ef:|2"D"EBBF G2 eg|| |:"Am"a2ag aeeg|a2ag aeef|"Em"gfge BEGA|BEGA B2 AB| "Am"cABG AEAB|cABG AEGA|"Em"BEGA BEGA | BEGA B2 eg| "Am"a2ag aeeg|agab a2 ef|"Em"gfge BEGA| BEGA BEAB| "Am"cABG AEAG |"D"FA D2D2 EG|"Am"AEAG "D"FDEC|1"G"DGGF G2 eg:|2"D"DGGF G2|]
Link (Midi or Youtube): If you know a source for this one, please contribute a link to a midi or YouTube on the Web for this tune using the suggestion form.
Source (if known): David Kaynor
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Region: USA