Otter’s Holt, the

Key: Bm

Form: Reel


X: 1
T: Otter's Holt, The
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
R: reel
K: Bmin
e|:fBBA FEFB|A3F ABde|fBBA FEFA|BdcA Bcde|
fBBA FEFB|A3F ABde|fbaf efde|1 fBBA B3e:|2 fBBA B3c||
|:d2 fdAd f2|a3f edBc|d2 fdAd f2|a3f egfe|
d2 fdAd f2|a3f efde|fBBA FEFA|1 BdcA B3c:|2 BdcA B3e||

MP3: (played by Randy Miller and Roger Kahle)

Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as. (Detailed instructions)

Sheet Music:


Link (Midi or Youtube):

Source (if known): Junior Crehan

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Ireland

Notes: “Here’s the story Junior told about the origin of the name: Junior’s mother used to play the concertina in the back yard when the weather was fine. There was a stream in the field behind the house and the otters would come out of the stream when they heard the music and lie basking as if they were listening to it. Perhaps they were!”   –Quoted from a comment on The Session.