Key: G
Form: March? Can you help?
MP3: Played slowly for learning, by David Kaynor
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
X:1 T:Ora Lee Z:K. Kite, M:4/4 L:1/8 K:Gmaj |:"D"GE|"G"D2G2G2AB|"Am"AGEG A3 G|"D"F2D2E2F2|"G"GFGA "D"BAGE| "G"D2G2G2AB|"Am"AGEG A3G|"D"F2D2E2F2|"G"G6:|| |:"D"A2|"G"B3B BA G2|B6Bc|BAGE DEGA|B3G A2B2| "C"c3c c2cB|"D"AGFG "Am"A3G|"D"F2D2E2F2|"G"G4G2:|]
Source: Trad. (likely an old square dance tune)
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: USA
*Notes: Not the song of the same name