Old French

Key: D

Form: March


X: 1
T: Old French
C: R-6
C: New England
M: C|
Z: Transcribed to abc by Mary Lou Knack
R: reel
K: D
(3ABc| "D"d2cd BdAF | DFAd f2ed| "A"cdef gece| "D"defd A2 (3ABc|
       "D"d2cd BdAF | DFAd f2ed| "A"cdef gece| "D"d2f2 d2 :|
|: cd| "A"efed c2A2| AEAc e2dc| "G"BGBd gfed |1,3 "A"cAce a2 :|2,4 "A"c2A2 A2 |]


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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge.


Source: Trad.

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Quebec? or New England
