Key: G
Form: Jig
MP3: (played at moderate tempo for learning, by David Kaynor)
Download this MP3 If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions)
Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
|:(3DEF|G2G EGE|cBc A2A|A2A AFA|GBc d2(3D/E/F/| G2G EGE|cBc A2G|[F2A2][FA] DFA|G3 Gz:| |:e/f/|~g3 ege|dBG D2B|c/d/cA F2A|GBc def| ~g3 ege|eBG D2B|ced cBA|G3 Gz:|
Source: Trad.
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*Notes: Both the ABC and Midi above are courtesy of JC’s ABC Tune Finder and differ in detail from David Kaynor’s MP3 and sheet music on this page.
VFO summer 17