Key: Ador/A myx*
Form: Reel
MP3: Melody emphasis
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MP3: Harmony emphasis
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MP3: Played slowly for learning
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet music in PDF:
Da New Rigged Ship
Da New Rigged Ship – Harmony
Da New Rigged Ship – Low Harmony
Da New Rigged Ship – Bass Clef
Da New Rigged Ship – Cello
X: 1 T: da New Rigged Ship #1 O: Shetland R: reel Z: 2014 John Chambers M: C| L: 1/8 K: Ador "Em"eg |\ "Am"a2ab ageg | "Am"a2ab "D7"agef |\ "G"g2gg "D(A7)"fgag | "D"f2d2 d2 :| |: "E7"ed |\ "A"^cAcA "E7"B2ed | "A"^cAcA "E7"E2ed |\ "A"^cAcA "E7"B2ed | "A"^c2A2 A2 :| |: AB |\ "C"cdec "G"BcdB | "D"ABAF "Em"GFE2 |\ "C"cdec "G"BcdB | "Am"c2A2 A2 :|
Source: Trad.
Other Tunes in Set: Da Full Rigged Ship
Region: Shetland
Notes: Tom Anderson’s notes:
“A traditional reel from the playing of the late Peter Fraser of
Finnigarth, Waas. The tune celebrates the rigging out with new sails
and mast of a fishing boat, which the owner proudly calls a ship.”
*Peter Macfarlane writes, “The first and third parts are in A Dorian (hence A minor chords and C-natural in the melody), while the second part is in A myxolydian (hence A major chords and C# in the melody).”