Key: D
Form: Polska
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF: New Land Boys Polska, middle
X:30 T:Nylandspojkarnas mitt i T:Polska efter Nylandsgubben R:polska J O:Bingsjö, Dalarna Z:id:hn-jp-30 M:3/4 L:1/16 K:D |: A2FA B2B2 A4 | A2FA d2d2 A4 | B3A G2F2 E4 | a3g f2ef d4 | A2FA B2B2 A4 | A2FA d2d2 A4 | B3A G2F2 E3D | CDEC D8 :| |: abaf d2f2 d2f2 | abae c2e2 c2e2 | f3e d2c2 B3A | ^GABG ABAE C2E2 | abaf d2f2 d2f2 | abae c2e2 c2e2 | f3e d2c2 B3A | ^GABG A8 :|
If you know a source for this one, please contribute a link to a midi or YouTube on the Web for this tune using the suggestion form.
Source: Trad? Can you help?
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Sweden
Notes: Thanks to Sten Johansson for contributing sheet music and ABC