Key: D
Form: March
X:1 T:New Dawn, New Day C:c. 2021 David A. Kaynor M:2/4 L:1/8 K:D |:A|"D"ab/a/ "A7"gf |"D" ga2A |"Bm"d/e/f "Em"ed |"A"cA2A | "Bm"Bc/d/ "Em"ed |"A"c/B/A "G"B/A/G | "D"Ad "A"dc|"D"d3:| |:e/d/| " A " cA "Em"A/B/c/d/ | "A" cA "Em"A/B/c/d/|\ "A" ef ga| "G"g2"D"fe/d/ | "A"cA "Em"A/B/c/d/ | "A"c/B/A "G"B/A/G|"D"Ad "A" dc |" D"d3:|
MP3: (played by Rebecca R Weiss)
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Sheet Music*: Click image to enlarge.
Sheet Music in PDF:
New Dawn, New Day, melody
New Dawn, New Day-HARMONIES 1
New Dawn, New Day-HARMONIES 2
Source: David A Kaynor
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: USA, New England
Notes: Composed in 2021 by David Kaynor on an eye gaze computer using EasyABC while dealing with ALS. He says, “Thanks to Chris Knippenberg for the nice title. Looking forward to what follows the dawn isn’t as easy as it used to be, but what the heck, why not try?”
*Harmonies provided by Mark Simos. David did not compose harmonies for this tune.