Mouse in the Cupboard

Key: G

Form: Jig


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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".


with low accompaniment









X: 1
T: Mouse In the Cupboard
C: J-22
M: 6/8
R: jig
K: G
G/A/| "G"BcB "C"AGE| "G"DGG "D"FGA| "G"BAB "C"cBc| "D"def "G"gdc|
      "G"BcB "C"AGE| "G"DGG "D"FGA| "G"Bcd "D"cAF| AGF "G"G2:|
A| "G"BAB "D"cBc| "G"def g2d| def gfg| "D"a2g fed|
   "G"dgg b2g| "D"a2g fdc| "G"Bcd "D"cAF| AGF "G"G2:|

: (NOTE, Mouse in the Cupboard starts at 0.56 in this video.)

Source: Trad.

Other Tunes in Set: Cat in the Hopper, The Spotted Dog

Region: Ireland??

Notes: This tune can be fun played in a set in the following order: Cat in the Hopper, Mouse in the Cupboard and The Spotted Dog.
