Montague May

Key: C

Form: Jig

MP3: (Played by Rebecca R, Weiss)

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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". 

Sheet Music in PDF: Montague May


T:Montague May 
C:David A. Kaynor May 1, 2021
|: G|"C"c2d cEF|G2E CEG|c2d cBc|"G"d3 d2B|
"C"c2d cEF|G2E "Am"CEG|"Dm"ABc "G" dcB|"C"c3c2:|
|:e|"F"f2g f2g|f2g  agf|"C"e2g gae| g3g2e|
"F"fed cBA|"C"G2E"Am" CEG|"Dm" ABc "G" dcsB|"C" c3c2:|


Source: David A. Kaynor

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Massachusetts, USA

Notes: David says “This tune started evolving in early April 2021 and achieved its current form on the first day of May. I think it’s now completed. For over 35 years, May has been a month of special happenings in Montague Center. This May is no exception; in the bright morning sunshine, the local garland dancers sang and danced outside my window.”  It was composed in 2021 on an eye-gaze computer using EasyABC while  he was dealing with ALS.