Key: Em
Form: Reel
MP3: (Played by George Belcher)
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Sheet Music*: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF*: Misty_Morning
X: 1 T: Misty Morning C: Doyle Lawson S: From the "Bluegrass Album Band Vol 6, "Bluegrass Instrumentals" S: MandoZine TablEdit Archives Z: TablEdited by Mike Stangeland for MandoZine L: 1/8 Q: 440 M: 4/4 F: 2023-01-07 211403 UT K: G z2 [e2B2] [e2B2] [e2d2] | "Em"[ed][ee] [ee][ee] [e2e2] eg | ed BG E2 E2 | "Am"GA Ac AG ED | "Em"E2 [e2B2E2B,2] B,B, [e2B2E2B,2] | B2 e2 e2 eg | ed BG E2 EG | "B7"B2 B2 Bd BA | B2 B2 B2 de | "Em"de ee e2 eg | ed BG E2 E2 | "Am"GA AA AG ED | "Em"B,2 [BEB,][BEB,] zB, [B2E2B,2] | "E"de ee B2 B2 | ^cB ^GF E2 F^G | E2 E2 ^CB, EF | E2 [B2E2B,2] B,[BEB,] [B2E2B,2] | F^G Be B^G Be | B^G EF D3F | E2 E^G F2 EF | ^Ge B^G [e2B2] [e2B2] | F^G Be B^G Be | B^G EF D3F | EB, EF GE F2 | E2 B,[eBEB,] [e2B2E2B,2] [e2B2E2B,2] | F^G Be B^G Be | B^G EF D3F | E2 E^G F2 EF | ^Ge B^G [e2B2] [e2B2] | F^G Be B^G Be | B^G EF D3F | EB, EF GE F2 | E8 |
Source: Doyle Lawson
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: USA, South (Bluegrass)
*Notes: The sheet music and ABC above show tempo as 440 which is probably a mistake, as being a lot faster than even the speediest bluegrass players would be likely to play it.