Key: G*
Form: English Country Dance? Can you help?
Download this MP3 If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions)
Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
X: 1 T: Mistwold C: R-56 M: C| Z: R: reel K: G D2| "G"G2A2 B2c2| d4 B3d| "D7"c4 A2c2| "G"B2AG "D7"A2D2| "G"G2A2 B2c2| d4 B3d| "D7"c2A2 G2F2|1 "G"G6 :|2 "G"G3A B2c2|] |:\ "G"d4 B3d| "D7"c4 A3c| "G"B3A G2B2| "D7"A4 D4| "C"E4 "D7"F4| "G"G4 "D7"A2c2| "G"B4 "D7"A4|1 "G"G3A B3c :|2 "G"G6 |]
Source: Dudley Laufman
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: USA, New England
*Notes: Everything I could find on this tune was in G major, including the ABC, sheet music and video above, although David Kaynor’s playing on the MP3 is in D major.