Uncle Joe, aka Miss/Mrs McLeod’s Reel*

Key: G*

Form: Reel


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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". 

Miss MacLeod’s

Same tune, as Uncle Joe







Sheet Music in PDF:
Miss McLeod’s


X: 19
T: Miss McLeod's
R: reel
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Gmaj
|: G2BG dGBG | ABBA BcBA | G2BG dGBG | A2AG AcBA |
G2 BG dGBG| ABBA B3d | e3f edef | gedB AGEF :|
|: G2 gf efge | dBBA BcBA | G2gf efge | a2ab agef |
~g3f efge |dBBA B3 d | e3f edef | gedB AGEF :|


Source (if known): Trad.

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: This is a truly international tune. Scottish in origin, it has become a staple of both the Irish and American musical traditions.

*Notes:  There are a zillion versions of this tune mostly in G or A major, plus quite a few variations on both the titles, viz this list on The Session: “Dance For Your Daddy My Little Laddie, Did You Ever Meet The Devil, Uncle Joe?, The Dun Cow, Eighthsome, Hop High Ladies, Iníon Mhic Leóid, May Day, McCleod’s, McCloud’s, McLeod’s, Miss MacLeod, Miss McCleod, Miss McCleod’s, Miss McCloud, Miss McCloud’s, Miss McLeod, Miss McLeod’s, Mrs MacLeod Of Raasay, Mrs Mc Leod’s, Mrs Mcleod Of Raasay, Mrs McLeod’s, Mrs McLeods, Mrs. MacLeod’s, Mrs. Mc Cloud, Mrs. McCloud, Mrs. McCloud’s, Mrs. McClouds, Mrs. McLeod, Mrs. McLeod Of Rasay, Mrs. McLeod’s, Mrs. McLeods, Ms McCloud’s, Ms. McLeod’s, Old Mammy Knickerbocker, Uncle Joe’s.