Key: A/D*
Form: March
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Sheet Music*: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF*: Maple Sugar
X:1 % T:Maple Sugar C:Ward Allen M:4/4 L:1/8 N:AABBACC N:"Use lots of E string double stops (mostly open). N:E.g. 1st note of 1st full measure." Z:Transcribed by Steve Fry from Ward Allen's recording K:A A cdO|:"A"e2 e>f ed cB|Bd c/B/A dc|"E"cB Bc d>(c c)B/c/| "D"d(c c/)B/c/d/ "A"c/B/A cd|e2e2e2 e>d|dc c/B/A Bd|"E"cB2c d>(c c)G| |1 "A"B(A A/)G/A/B/ A"to Coda"O A cd:|2 "A"B(A A/)G/A/B/ Az CD||"A"E2 E>F EC EA| c2 c>c AEFE|"E"B2 B>A BGFG|"A"A>(G G)F ECDF|E2 E>F EC EA| BB AEFE|"E"B2 B>c BGFG|1 "A"B A2 B A z CD:| |2 "A"A A>B .AAcd!D.S.!O||\ K:E O"Coda"GA|"E"B2 B>c BG Be|g2 g>f eB cB| "B"f2 f>g fd cd|1 "E"e>(d d)c BGAc:|2 "E"e2 e>f eA c=d!D.S.O!||
Source (if known): Ward Allen
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Region: Canada (Ontario)
*Notes: There seems to be quite a lot of confusion about keys for this tune. The MP3 clip is A/D; but the tune was apparently written in A/E as in the sheet music and ABC, transcribed by Steve Fry from Ward Allen’s recording. See the video above with the composer,Ward Allen, playing it.