Key: G
Form: Polka or March
MP3: (Played by the Vermont Fiddle Orchestra)
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
X: 3 T: Mairi's Wedding R: polka M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj D>E DE|GA B2|AG EG|BA B<d| D>E DE|GA B2|AG E/D/C|D2 D2:| d>e de|dc B2|AG EG|BA B<d| d>e de|dc B2|AG E/D/C|D2 D2:|
Link (Midi or Youtube):
Source (if known): Traditional
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Scotland (Hebrides)
Notes: Considered a chestnut in Scotland, this tune appears in several keys on the Web including E major, probably because it is also a song accommodating singers’ vocal ranges.
VFO Summer15
vfo summer 17