Key: A*
Form: Hornpipe
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF: Madame Bonaparte
X: 1 T:Madame Bonaparte R:Hornpipe C:Alistair Anderson* S:Nottingham Music Database M:4/4 L:1/8 K:A % transposed from G ed|"A"c2cB cecA|"D"d2dc dfdB|"A"Aceg "F#m"agaf|"Bm"e3f "E7"edcB| "A"c2cB cecA|"D"dcde fgaf|"A"ecAc "E7"dBGB|"A"A2AG A2:| cB|Aceg "F#m"agaf|"Bm"e3f "E7"edcB|"A"Aceg "F#m"agaf|"Bm"e3f "E7"edcB| "A"ceae ceae|"Bm"dfaf dfae|"A"ceae ceae|"E7"Begf gfed| "A"ceae ceae|"D"dcde fgaf|"A"ecAc "E7"dBGB|"A"A2AG A2:|
Source (if known): Alistair Anderson?* Can you help?
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Ireland? Can you help?
*Notes: Our rendition in the MP3 above is in A major but many references show it also in G major, as in the video above.
The ABC above attributes the tune to Alistair Anderson, but it may be much older as mentioned in this comment by on The Session: “I made some inquiries and was informed the tune has historical associations with James Gandsey (1767-1857), piper to the Barons Headley, whose estate was near Killarney.”