Key: G
Form: Reel
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X: 1 T:The Lucky Trapper C:Andy Dejarlis S:Doug Creighton Z: M:4/4 L:1/8 R:reel K:G D2 | G2BG DGBG | DGBG cGBG | A2AF DFAF | DFAc BGAF | G2BG DGBG | cGBG ABAG | FGAB cdef | gfga g2 :: d2 | g2ga gfed | eaab a2ag | f2d2 dedc | BGAF GABd | g2ga gfed | eaab a2ag | fgaf bfaf | gfga g2 :|
Source: Andy DeJarlis
Other Tunes in Set: The Barn Raising Reel
Region: Métis (Canada)
VFO Fall15