Key: D
Form: Waltz
Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
X:1 T:Longueval C:George Stoddart M:6/8 L:1/8 K:D A>BA Adf|B>cB Beg|a2 (3g/e/c/ a2 (3g/e/c/|BcB A3| A>BA Adf|B>cB Beg|a2 (3g/e/c/ a2 (3g/e/c/|ABc d3:| |:f>gf fed|dca c2A|g>ag gfe|eda f2A| f>gf fed|dca c2A|a2 (3g/e/c/ a2 (3g/e/c/|ABc d3:| |:ABc ded|dcB c3|a2 (3g/e/c/ a2 (3g/e/c/|BcB A3| ABc ded|dcB c3|a2 (3g/e/c/ a2 (3g/e/c/|ABc d3:|]
Source: Pipe Major George Stoddart
Other Tunes in Set: Amelia’s, Morag’s Waltz
Region: Scotland
Notes: The melody is named after a village in France, one of the first objectives for the allies in the Battle of the Somme, July, 1916. The attack was a disaster; the British incurred some sixty thousand casualties the first day, one third of which were killed in action. The tune is most often credited to Pipe Major George Stoddart, although some say he only arranged the tune. It’s on an obscure Buddy MacMaster cassette tape release, Glencoe Hall.