Lonesome Eyes Waltz

Key: D

Form: Waltz

MP3: (If you play this melody and would be willing to record it once-through, please contribute it for this site.  Meanwhile, here’s the very quiet midi version converted to MP3):

Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers).

Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". 

Sheet Music in PDF: Lonesome Eyes


X: 1
T: Lonesome Eyes
R: waltz
M: 3/4
L: 1/8
K: Dmaj
A, D<E|:F3 A d<c|B3 A A<B|F6-|F3 A, D<E|
F3 A d<c|B3 A A<B|E6-|E3 A, D<E|
F3 A d<c|B3 A A<B|F6-|F3 D d<c|
B3 A A<B|E3 D E<F|D6-|1 D3 A, D<E:|2 D3 A a<g||
f3 e f<a|B3 A B<d|F6-|F3 A a<g|
f3 e f<a|B3 A B<d|e6-|e3 A a<g|
f3 e f<a|B3 A B<d|F6-|F3 A d<c|
B3 A A<B|E3 D E<F|D6-|D3 A a<g|
f3 e f<a|B3 A B<d|F6-|F3 A a<g|
f3 e f<a|B3 A B<d|e6-|e3 A d<c|
B3 A A<B|E3 D E<G|F3 E F<D|B3 A d<c|
B3 A A<B|E3 D E<F|D6-|D3||


Source: Jerry Holland

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

Notes: From a comment on The Session, “[I] remember him [Jerry] saying he had composed it for his son.”