Key: D
Form: Hornpipe
MP3: Played by Kenric Kite
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF: Liverpool Hornpipe
X:1 T:Liverpool Hornpipe C:Trad. R:Hornpipe N:from 'The Skye Collection of the Best Reels & Strathspeys,' 1887 M:C L:1/8 K:Dmaj |:(AG)|"D"FDFA dfaf|"G"(gf)(ed) "Em"(dc)(BA)|"G"GBGB "D"FAFA|"A"EFGA "A7"(GF)ED| "D"FDFA dfaf|"G"(gf)(ed) "Em"(dc)(BA)|"D"dfaf "A"bgec|"D"d2 "A"f2 "D"d2:|| |:A2|"D"dfdf "A"cece|"G"BcdB "D"(BA)(GF)|"G"GBGB "D"FAFA|"A"EFGA (GF)(ED)| "D"FDFA dfaf|"G"(gf)(ed) "Em"(dc)(BA)|"D"dfaf "A"bgec|"D"d2 "A"f2 "D"d2:|]
YouTube (first tune in this video):
Source: The Skye Collection of Best Reels and Strathspeys, 1887.
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: British Isles