Key: G*
Form: Mazurka
Download this MP3 If it plays, click the download icon or right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions)
Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
X: 1 T: L'Inconnu De Limoise R: mazurka M: 3/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj D G>A|:B2 B>G c>A|B2 B>B c>d| c2 c>B A>G|A3 D G>A|B2 B>G c>A| B2 B>B c>d|c2 c>B A>G|1 d3 D G>A:|2 d3 B c>d|| |:e2 g>f e>f|d2 d>c B>A|G>F G>A B>G| D3 G G>F|E2 E>F G>A|G2F2E2| F2 F>G A>B|1 A3B c>d:|2 G3||
YouTube: (The composer is (I think) the hirdy-gurdy player second from left.)
Source (if known): Jean François (Maxou) Heintzen
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: France
*Notes: This tune appears to be played in a wide variety of keys. The ABC and sheet music above are in A while the MP3 and Youtube are in G.
“The name has a story behind it, as you might guess (although I’m hazy on the details). When they were doing some roadworks, or demolition, or moving a graveyard, or something like that in Limoise they came across a grave containing both a skeleton and the remains of a set of pipes. The grave was un-named, so the identity of the piper was unknown, but the story caught the imagination of the French folk world and M Heintzen penned the tune in the piper’s honour.” –a comment on