Lilting Banshee, The

Key:  A minor

Form:  Jig


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X: 1
T: the Lilting Banshee
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
C: Trad
S: Bridget Delaney, Athy, Co. Kildare, Ireland
Z: Edward Delaney 
R: Jig
F:	 2022-04-17 133941 UT
K: ADor
|: EAA EAA | BAB G2A | Bee edB | dBA GED | EAA EAA | BAB G2A | Bee edB | dBA A3 :|
d \
|: eaa age | dBA G2A | Bee edB | def gfg | eaa age | dBA G2A | Bee edB | dBA A3 :|


Source: Traditional

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Ireland
