Key: D
Form: Polka
MP3: (played slowly for learning)
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
X: 1 T:Leather Away the Wattle O M:C| L:1/8 K:D fe \ |"D" d2A2 F2A2 |d3c d2f2 |"A" e3d c2d2 | (e2f2 g2)fg| | "D"a2f2 e2c2 |"G" dedB "D"A3F |"G" G2B2 "A" ABAG |1"D" F2D2 D2 fe:|2"D" F2D2 D2 z2|| |:"D" f3e f2d2 |"G" g2g2 g2z2 |"D" f3e f2a2 |"Em" g2f2 "A"e2fg | | "D"a2f2 e2c2|"G"dedB"D" A3F| "G"G2B2 "A"ABAG |1F2D2 "D"D2 :|2F2D2 "D"D2 fe||
YouTube: (The first tune of the set in this recording.)
Source: Trad? Can you help?
Other Tunes in Set:* Cuil Aodha, Ballyvourney polka.
Region: Ireland
*Notes: Here are all three tunes as a set, played in order, Leather Away, Ballyvourney and Cuil Aodha.