Larry O’Gaff’s (tune for the song Squid Jiggin’ Ground*)

Key: G

Form: Jig

MP3: (played by Rick Winston)

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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".


X: 8
T: Larry O'Gaff's
R: jig
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: Gmaj
|:"G"g2G BAG|"G"ded dBG|"C"cec "G"BdB|"Am"ABc "D7"def|
"G"g2G BAG|"G"ded dBG|"C"cec "G"BdB|1 "D7"ABA "G"G2d:|2 "D7"ABA "G"G3||
|:"D7"def "G"gfg|"D7"aba afe|"D7"dfg aga|"G"bgf g2d|
"D"def "C"gfe|"G"ded dBG|"C"cec "G"BdB|1 "D7"ABA "G"G2d:|2 "D7"ABA "G"G3||


Source: Trad? Can you help?

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Ireland and Newfoundland

*Notes: The wonderful Newfoundland song, The Squid Jiggin’ Ground, is set to the A part of this tune.