Key: G/D
Form: March (or reel?)
MP3: (played by David Kaynor)
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". If you know a source, please contribute sheet music.
X: 1 T:Laeg de Maw S:unknown, photocopy I:speed 250 M:2/4l K:G |:B2B2 d4 | G2G2 B4 | c2cB AcBA | G2B2 d4 | B2B2 d4 | G2G2 B4 | c2cB AcBA | G2B2 G4 :| K:D |: EF | ABAF ABAF | ABdA fAaA | g2gf egfe | f2fe d2FG | ABAF ABAF | ABdA fAaA | gagf dgfe |[1d2f2d2 FG:|[2 d2f2 d2 |
YouTube: Can you help?
Source: Trad.or composer? Can you help?
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Denmark
*Notes: The Danish spelling of this title is possibly wrong. Can you help?