Key: G
Form: Reel? Can you help?
|:D2EF G2A2|G2F2E2D2|D2EF G2A2|G2F2G4:| |B2A2G3A|G2F2E2D2|D2EF G2E2|c2B2A4| d2B2G3A|G2F2E2D2|D2EF G4|A4G4| B2A2G3D|G2F2E2D2|D2EF G2E2|c2B2A4| d2B2G3A|G2F2E2D2|D2EFG2A2|G2F2G4||
Download this MP3 (If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”.) (Detailed instructions)
Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge.
Link (Midi or Youtube):
Source (if known): Pascal Gemme (copyright)
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Quebec
Notes: “The title translates as The giggling girl and was written by Pascal for his daughter.” –From a comment sent from the Suggestion Form on this site.
Chords in the above sheet music are courtesy of Jean Rhéaume.