Key: D
Form: March
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". (Transcription by Lisa Ornstein)
P:A "D"fef(a a)afe |"Bm" dcd(f f)fdA | "G"BAB(f f)fd(f | "Em"f)fdf "A7"[e2A2] [e2A2] | "D"fef(a a)afe | "Bm"dcd(f f)fdA | "G"BAB(f f)fd(f | "Em"f)fdf "A7"ec"D"dA :| P:B |: "GM7"GFG(B B)BGA | B2Bd c2A2 | "F#m"FEF(A A)AFA | dAFA BAFA | "Em7"GFG(B B)BGA | "G"B2Bd c2A2 | "Em"dcd(f "Asus"f)fdf| "A7"fa (3gfe "D"[d2D2] [d2D2] :|]
Source: Claude Méthé
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Quebec, Canada
Notes: Thanks to Chris Madigan for teaching us this tune and to Lisa Ornstein for the above transcription.
Origin of the title: dedicated to Elizabeth Moquin