Key: Gm
Form: Reel?
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Sheet Music in PDF: La Melodie Courte
X:1 T:La M\'elodie Courte C:2020 Kenric A Kite M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Reel-ish K:Gm GA |:"Gm"B2 d2 "D"c2 BA |"Gm"G>A GF "D"D2 GA |"Gm"B2 d2 "D"c2 BA |1"Gm"(G4G2)GA :|2"Gm"(G4G4)|| |"Gm"G3 B AGFD | B2 AB c2 B2 |d2 d2 "A"g2 ^c2 |"D"d3 e dcBA | |"Gm"G3 B AGFD |G2 G2 B2 D2 |"F"c2 Ac "Bb"B2 GB |"A7"A4 ^F2 D2 | |"Gm"G3 B AGFD | B2 AB c2 B2 |d2 d2 "A"g2 ^c2 |"D7"d2 c2 B2 A2 | |"Gm"d2 Bd "D"c2 ^F2 |"Gm"(G4 G3)|]
Source: Kenric Kite
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Vermont, USA (but composed in the fashion of Bretagne)
Notes: Kenric writes, “As a fiddle tune, this one is a non-standard length. The A-part totals eight measures, and the B-part resolves sooner than one thinks it should, having only 14 measures, two fewer than normal. The title is in French because in my opinion the tune sounds kind of Bretagne.”