La Démêlée

Key: Am*

Form: Reel


X: 1
T: La Démêlée
R: reel
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Amin
E2 Ac eedc|BABc dedc|E2 ^GB edcB|ABcd eeEe|
E2 Ac eedc|BABc dedc|E2 ^GB edcB|1 Acec A2 EE:|2 Acec A2 G/A/G/A/||
|:G2 EG CGEG|CEGc eGce|d2 Bd GBdB|gfdB G2 G/A/G/A/|
G2 EG CGEG|CEGc e3 d|fdBd GBdf|1 aGAB c2 G/A/G/A/:|2 aGAB c EEE||

MP3*: (Played by Pam Bockes)

Download this MP3  (If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers).

Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. 

Sheet Music in PDF: La Démêlée


Source: Trad? (from the playing of Philippe Bruneau)

Other Tunes in Set:

Region:  Québec

*Notes: The MP3 clip above is played in Bm (to D in the B part) which may be the tune’s original key but the ABC and sheet music I was able to find are in Am (to C in the B part).

There may be no exact English word for  La Démêlée.  A comment on TheSession notes, “The title translates to something like “the unraveled” but an accordion playing friend of mine from Quebec says that in colloquial Québecois it can mean the opposite, i.e. to mix, as in mixing flour and water. Perhaps this latter definition refers to the mixing of minor and major in the tune.”