Kirk in the Sands

Key: G

Form: Air


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Sheet Music in PDFKirk-in-the-Sands


T:Kirk in the Sands
C:© Kenric A. Kite 
R:Slow Reel
"G"DEGA "Em"Bded |"C"gded "G"BAGB |"C" cBAG "G"BAGB | "Am"cBAG "D"~BA A2 |
"G"DEGA "Em"Bded | "C"gded "G"BAGB |"C" cBAG "G"BAGB | "Am"AGED "Em"E4:|
|: "C"c2cA "G"B2BG | "Am"AGED EGAB | "C"cdef "G"gdBd | "Am"cBAG "D"~BAA2 |
"C"c2cA "G"B2BG | "Am"AGED EGAB | "C"cdef "G"gdBd | "Am"cBAG "Em"E4 :|

YouTube: .

Source: Kenric Kite (copyright)

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: USA, Vermont

Notes: Kenric writes, ” This tune is not really meant to be played at dance tempo. It comes across to me as more of a tune to think about.  The inspiration for the title is a Danish church, “den Tilsandende Kirke,” which has been mostly buried by shifting sand dunes in Skagen, Denmark. I came to this eerily beautiful place in 2005, and find myself meditating on the memory every time I play this tune.” 

The story of den Tilsandende Kirke