Julottan* (misspelled sometimes as Jul Atten)

Key: G

Form: Polska

MP3: (played by David Kaynor(?), slowly for learning)

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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".


X: 1
T: Julottan
T: (Julpolska av Mats Wallman)
C: Mats Wallman
R: polska
Z: John Chambers 
N: Taught in Boston by his father, Ole Wallman
M: 9/16
L: 1/16
K: G
|: "G"D2G- G2A B2c \
| d2d- dBd g3 \
| "C"e2c- c2B A2G \
| "D7"FGA- A2F D2C \
| "G"B,DG- G2A B2c |
| d2d- dBd g3 \
| "C"e2c- c2B "D7"A2G \
| FEF "G"G6 :| \
|: "C"g2e- e2c A2g \
| "D7"fga- a2f d2f |
| "C"g2e- e2c A2G \
| "D7"FGA- A2F D2C \
| "G"B,DG- G2A B2c \
| d2d- dBd g3 \
| "C"e2c- c2B "D7"A2G \
| FEF "G"G6 :|


Source: Av Mats Wallman, Efter Olle Wallman

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Sweden

*Notes: Jul = Christmas: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julotta
