Jonah’s First Change

Key: D

Form: Jig


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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". 

Coming soon.

Sheet Music in PDF:


X: 1
T: Jonah's First Change
C: trad.
O: arr. Calvin Vollrath
R: jig
S: Fiddle Hell Online 2022-4-11 handout for Calvin Vollrath workshop
N: Johah's First Change was learned from Gilbert Anderson.
N: Notation by Trent Bruner
Z: 2022 John Chambers 
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: D
"^A"|: g |\
"D"{fg}f2e dcB | A2F D2E | FGF FED |
"A7"A3 A2g | "D"{fg}f2e dcB | A2F D2E |
FGF "A7"A,CE | D3 [1 "D"D2 :|[2 D
"^B"|: fg |\
"D"a2f {f}a2f | d3 d2b | agf {g}fed |
"A7"cde efg | "D"{fg}f2e dcB | "G"A2F D2E |
"D"FGF "A7"A,C!coda!E |[1 "D"D3 D :|[2 "D"D3 "->A"D2 |]!coda!"D"D3 dzz |]


Source: John Arcand (copyright)

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Metis (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Canada)
