Key: Am
Form: Reel (Bluegrass)
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Sheet Music in PDF: Jerusalem Ridge
X: 1 T: Jerusalem Ridge C: Bill Monroe R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Amin |:A,B,CD E2EF|EDCE DCA,G,|A,B,CD EGAE|EDCE DCA,G,| A,B,CD E2EF|EDCE DCA,G,|A,B,CD EGAE|EDCB, A,4:| |:E2[E2A2] E2[E2A2]|E2AB c2c2|E2[E2A2] [E2A2]AB|c2[c2e2] [c4e4]| E2[E2A2] E2[E2A2]|E2AB cBcB|EAAB cBcA|EDCB, A,4:| |:e2a2 a3g|a2b2 c'4|eg2a g4|gbag edBd| ea2g a2ab|c'abc' abag|e2ef edcd|ecdc A4:|
Source: Bill Monroe
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: USA, Appalachia