Key: G
Form: March?
MP3: (played by David Kaynor)
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
P:A V:1 |"D"D/2F/2 |"G"G3/2 D/2 G A|B2 d B/2c/2|d3/2 e/2 "D"d c|"G"B3 A/2B/2 |"Am"c A A3/2 B/2|A E E A/2G/2|"D"F E/2D/2 "Am"E3/2 D/2|"D"D3 "D"D/2F/2 |"G"G3/2 D/2 G A|B2 d B/2c/2|d3/2 e/2 "D"d c|"G"B3/2 G/2 A B |"Am"c A A3/2 B/2|"D"A D D "Am"E/2C/2|"D"D3/2 G/2 F/2G/2A/2F/2|"G"G3/2 G/2 A B|| P:B V:1 |"C"c3/2 G/2 E G|c2 e2|"G"d3/2 D/2 G A|"G"B3 A/2D/2 |"Am"c A A3/2 B/2|A E E A/2G/2|"D"F E/2D/2 "Am"E3/2 D/2|"D"D3 A/2B/2 |"C"c3/2 G/2 E G|c2 e3/2 f/2|"G"g3/2 e/2 "D"d c|"G"B3 A/2B/2 |"Am"c A A3/2 B/2|"D"A D D "Am"E/2C/2|"D"D3/2 G/2 F/2G/2A/2F/2|"G"G3|]
Source: David A. Kaynor
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: USA
*Notes: “A tribute tune composed after the unexpected death of Brasstown, NC’s fire chief, JD Robinson. Katie, Corie [Pressley], and I knew him because of his strong musical presence at the John C. Campbell Folk School.”
–David Kaynor
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