Key: G
Form: Jig
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Sheet Music:
Sheet Music PDF: Induced
X:1022 T:Induced Meandering B:AN C:Susan Reid Z:Jean Rhéaume R:Jig M:6/8 L:1/8 K:G P:A "G"d3dgf | "C"dcd "D"ABF | "G"GDG "D"ABF | "G"GDG "D"ABc | "G"d3dgf | "C"dcd "D"ABF | "G"GDG "Am"ABc |1 "D"dAB "G"GBc :|2 "D"dAB "G"G3 | P:B |: "D"F3 FDF | AFA dAF | "G"G3 BGB | dBd "G/B"gdB | "D"F3 AFA | dAd f3 | "D"fgf "C/E"edB | "D/F#"cAF "G"G3 :|
Youtube: See Notes below.
Source (if known): Susan Reid (copyright)
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: USA, New England
Notes: Induced meander is a term describing a hydrological practice to cause rivers or streams to meander in hopes of reducing erosion and perhaps flooding. Karen Jackson appropriated this term to describe her solo car touring in the American West, and Susan Reid composed this tune in the same spirit.