Key: G
Form: Waltz
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF: In The Great Room
YouTube: (Rebecca Weiss’s band playing for a dance)
X:1 T:In the Great Room C:Gianna Marzilli Ericson C:December, 2018 M:3/4 L:1/8 Z:K. Kite K:Gmaj B,C|:"G"D3 E DC|"G"B,2G,2B,C|"G"DG GF FE|"C"E4FG| "D"D3F FG|"G"D2B,3B|"C"CB,A,3G,|1"D"A,4B,C:|2"G"A,4GA|| "G"B3A Bc|"G"BAG2AB|"C"cdc2B2|"D"A4FG| "D"A3G AB|"D"A2D2F2|"G"GF GA Bc|"G"d4GA| "G"B3A Bc|"G"BAG2AB|"C"cdc2B2|"D"A4EF| "C"G3E EF|"C"G3E EF|"C"GB "D"A2F2|"G"G6||
(Gianna playing with David Kaynor, at First Church Somerville, MA 2/24/19)
Source: Gianna Marzilli Ericson (copyright)
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Massachusetts, USA
Notes: Gianna writes, “I wrote this waltz for David Kaynor just after his ALS diagnosis; he was at a medical appointment and I was hanging out in the great room at his house and noodling around on his viola while waiting for him to get back.”