Polska efter Petter Dufva (#45?)* (If I Had a Mouse I Would Feed Him Chocolate)

Key: D

Form: Polska


X: 1
T: Polska efter Petter Dufva
O: Sm\aaland, Sweden
M: 3/4
L: 1/8
Z: 2010 John Chambers 
S: printed MS from Matt Fichtenbaum (March 2009)
K: D
|: "D"d>c df A2 | "G"GF "A"EG "D"FD \
|  "D"d>c df A2 | "A7"GF/E/ "D"F2 D2 :|
|: "D"f>d df df | "Em"g>e eg "A7"eg \
|  "D"f>d df df | "Em"g>e eg "A7"eg \
|  "D"f>a "G"gf "(A7)"ed | "A7"ed/c/ "D"d4 :|


Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions)

Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".

Link (Midi or Youtube):

Source (if known): Petter Dufva

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Sweden

*Notes:  This tune, if it has an actual name, may be Petter Duvfa Polska number 45  (There appear to be at least 192 polskas by Petter Dufva!)  One of our local fiddlers gave it the nickname “If I Had a Mouse I Would Feed Him Chocolate” as a mnemonic way to remember how the tune starts.  The YouTube above simply calls it “Polska efter Petter Dufva”.

