Key: Ddor
Form: Polka
MP3: (played by Jacob and Gretta Stone)
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF: Idbury Hill
X:9007 T:Idbury Hill R:Polka C:Trad. O:England, Bledington Z:Paul Hardy's Session Tunebook 2020 (see Creative Commons cc by-nc-sa licenced. M:2/2 L:1/8 Q:1/4=140 K:Ddor "Dm"A2 AB c2 A2|"C" GFED C2 DE|"Dm"F2 A2 "A7"AGFE|"Dm"D4 D4:| |:"Dm"A2 AB c2 A2|"G"dcBA G2 G2|"Dm"A2 AB "Am"c2 A2|"Dm" d3 c A4|"Dm"A2 AB c2 A2|"C"GFED C2 DE|"Dm"F2 A2 "A7"AGFE|"Dm"D4 D4:|
Source: Trad.
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Jacob Stone writes: “Idbury is a tiny village in the Cotswolds; the town is perched, appropriately, on Idbury Hill. The tune is a Morris dance tune, with a driving, repetitive rhythm, perfect for dancing.”