
Key: D

Form: Reel


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Sheet Music in PDF: Honeylocust


X: 1
T: Honeylocust
C: Use old-time syncopations
C: Honeylocusts are one of my favorite kinds of tree!
C: Rebecca Rose Weiss ©2016
K: D
DE | "D" F2 F2 "A" E2 FE | "D" D3 (DD2) B,D | "A" E3 F ED B,C| "D" D3 (DD2) DE |
"D" F2 F2 E2 D2 | "G" [B3G3] A "D" [F3A3] (E| "A" E)D EF ED B,C | "D" D3 (DD2) :|
Ac | "D"d2 d2 B2 A2 | d3 (d d3) (e | "A" e2) e2 c2 A2 | e3(ee3)(f |
"D" f)a fe dB Ad | "G" BA GB "D" AG FD | "G" GA Bc de fd | "A" ed Bc "D" d2 :|]


Source: Rebecca Rose Weiss (copyright)

Other Tunes in Set: Upper Valley Reel

Region: USA (Old-timey or Appalachian style)

Notes: Rebecca writes: “Honeylocust came together during a few instances of composing over several months.  It started when I was in a practice room in high school.  The following autumn, I took a tree identification class in college, learned about honeylocust trees, and worked on the tune during a snow day.  I finished it during my commute to a summer internship during which I walked by honeylocust trees every day.  There are so many fun aspects about honeylocust trees: their leaves turn yellow in the fall, their bark has long plates, they make large pods- and, my favorite thing: they often have giant spikes, a trait left over from when they had to defend themselves from large mammals eons ago.”