Key: D
Form: Air or Slow March
MP3: (played by Randy Miller for the Vermont Fiddle Orchestra to learn.)
Download this MP3 If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as. (Detailed instructions)Sheet Music:*
Sheet Music in PDF: Spelman_melody_and_harmony
X: 1 T:Hommage till en spelman C:Thorbjörn Näsbom (May 2015) N: When asked, Thorbjörn said it was for 4 of his spelman friends who had died in the last year. R: march Z: 2015 John Chambers Z:modified by MB to fit Randy Miller's transcription F: F: F: M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D DE |\ "D"F2EF "Em"G2FG | "D"Ad cd "G"{A}B2cd | "D"A2de "Bm"~f2ed | "A"e4 eA DE | "D"F2EF "Em"G2FG | "D"Ad cd "G"Bg fg | "Bm"ab ~aA "G"B2 "A"dc | "D"[d4D4][d2D2] :| af |\ "G"b2gf "A"~e2ge | "F#m"a2fe "Bm"d2fd | "G"g2ed "A"cd cB | "D"[A4D4] A2 af | "G"b2gf "A"~e2ge | "F#m"a2fe "Bm"d2fd | "G"g>f ed "A"~c2 Bc | "D"~d2cB "A"A2Bc | "D"d2cd "Em"e2de | "D"f2ef "G"g2ab | "Bm"~a2gf "G"g2 "A"e2 | "D"[d4D4][d2D2] |] [|"Coda"DE |\ "D"F2EF "Em"G2FG | "D"Ad cd "G"Bg fg | "Bm"ab aA "G"[B2D2] "A"dc | "D"[d4D4] [d4D4] |] X: 2 T:Hommage till en spelman - harmony C:Thorbjörn Näsbom Z: MB from R: march M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D z2 |\ "D"D4 "Em(A)"E4 | "D"F4 "G"G4 | "D"F2 A2 "Bm"d2 cB | "A"A4 [A4E4] | "D"D4 "Em"E4 | "D"F2 A2 "G"G2 de | "Bm"f2 F2 "G"G2 "A"E2 | "D"[F4A4] [F2A2] :| fd |\ "G"g2 ed "A"c2 ec | "F#m"f2 dc "Bm"B2 dB | "G(Em)"e2 cB "A"A2 G2 | "D"[F4A4] [F2A2] fd | "G"g2 ed "A"c2 ec | "F#m"f2 dc "Bm"B2 dB | "G(Em)"e>d cB "A"A2 G2 | "D"F2 G2 "A"E4 | "D"F4 "Em"G4 | "D"A4 "G"B2 fg | "Bm(D)"f2 ed "G"B2 "A"G2 | "D"[F4A4] [F2A2] |] [|"Coda"z2 |\ "D"D4 "Em"E4 | "D"F2 A2 "G"G2 de | "Bm(D)"f2 F2 "G"G2 "A"E2 | "D"[F4A4] [F4A4] |]
First video: I believe the Nyckelharpa player is this tune’s composer, Thorbjörn Näsbom.
Second video: Thanks to Ulf Bjørkelo from Norway for this video in which he appears at right. Also thanks for his generous corrections for several Scandinavian spellings on this site.
Source: Thorbjörn Näsbom
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Sweden
Thanks to Moshe Braner for the ABCs and the “Melody & harmony” sheet music. He commented that he “modified it to fit the Randy Miller version, plus typed in the harmony line” and “I’ve added into the harmony sheet a few alternate chords in parentheses, from the JC [JC’s ABC Tune Finder] version, after trying them out in actual playing.”
Re. the Swedish word, “spelman”, a Wikipedia article says, “[A] common translation of this word is folk musician. The problem here is that the Swedish word “folkmusiker,” meaning folk musician, was invented explicitly in opposition to the older word “spelman.” Ale Möller coined the term “folkmusiker” to refer to musicians who played Swedish folk music professionally during the folk revival, but were not necessarily grounded in the spelman tradition. Some have also considered the term spelman (literally “play-man”) to be problematic given its implication that Swedish folk musicians are normatively male. The term “folkmusikant” has been proposed as a gender-neutral alternative, but has seen little traction.”
VFO Spr16