Holm Band Tune

Key:  A

Form:  Jig


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And here it is in a set with Aim’s Compliments to J. Craigie, Played by members of the Vermont Fiddle Orchestra.

Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".



X: 1
T: The Holm Band Tune
R: jig
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: Amaj
AGA cBA | F2 A d2 f | ecA GAB | cAc B2 E |
AGA cBA | F2 A d2 f | ecA GAB | cAA A2 z:|
Ace aga | ecA d2 f | ecA GAB | cAc B2 E |
Ace aga | ecA d2 f | ecA GAB | cAA A2 z |
Ace aga | ecA d2 f | ecA GAB | cAc B2 E |
AGA cBA | F2 A d2 f | ecA GAB | cAA A2 z ||

Source: Unknown*

Other Tunes in Set: Aim’s Compliments to J. Craigie

Region: Orkney

*Notes: A comment on The Session: “As an Orcadian, I’d like to make folk who want to play/discuss this tune aware that the pronunciation of Holm is “ham”. It is not known who composed this tune – presumably one of The Holm Band (which no longer exists)!”
