Key: G*
Form: March
MP3: (Played by David Kaynor)
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
X: 1 T:Bonny Highland Laddie. TWC.092 L:1/8 B:Thomas Wilson Companion to the Ballroom 1816 Z:vmp.Mike Hicken 2015 M:C Q:1/4=100 F: 2022-04-10 184853 UT K:G "_Allegro"\ G>ABB cA B2|BAAG BAAF|G>ABB cABA|GEED GEEd :| |: egdg cg B2|BAAG BAAd|egdg cgBA|GEED GEED :|
Source: Trad.
Other Tunes in Set: Miss Murray of Lintrose
Region: Scotland
*Notes: The video necessarily differs somewhat from the fiddle rendition in the MP3, being played on highland bagpipes, but seems to be the same basic tune.