Highland Donald

Key: Am*

Form: Reel


Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers).

Sheet Music*: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". 









Sheet Music in PDF*:
HighlandDonald – East Neuk – Deveron Melody
HighlandDonald – East Neuk – Deveron Harmony


X: 2
T: Highland Donald
R: march
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Bmin
|:BA|F2 B2 B2 AB|c2 B2 B2 cB|A3 F E2 F2|A2 B2 A3 E|
F2 B2 B2 AB|c2 B2 B2 cB|A3 F E2 F2|B4 B2:|
|:Ac|d4 d3 e|f2 d2 B2 A2|e4 e3 f|gfed B2 A2|
d3 e f2 d2|B2 d2 A2 F2|B3 A F2 A2|B4 B2:|


Source: Trad. arr. Peter MacFarlane

Other Tunes in Set: East Neuk o’ Fife, Deveron Reel

Region: Scotland


This tune was taught to the Vermont Fiddle Orchestra as part o a set with East Neuk o’ Fife and Deveron Reel as shown in the sheet music above.  See links to the other tunes also above.

The Am version in the MP3 clip and sheet music differs from other sources which have in in Bm, including the ABC and YouTube above.
