Key: G
Form: Jig
Sheet Music: (Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".)
MP3: (played by the Vermont Fiddle Orchestra)
Download this MP3 If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”.) (Detailed instructions)
X: 1 T: Tŷ A Gardd R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj F2 D DCD|F2 D DCD|E2 E EFG|A3 F3| F2 D DCD|F2 D DCD|E2 E EFE|D4 D2| d2 d dcB|A2 A AGF|E2 E EFG|A3 F3| d2 d dcB|A2 A AGF|E2 E EFE|D6|
Source: Traditional?
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Denmark, Wales*
*Notes: This ABC is a bit different from our favorite version — the MP3 above — and in D instead of our G, but close enough to be posted here.
According to the Danish website DANISH CHILDREN’S SONGS, There is a song (not necessarily to this tune?), Chicken Feet and Carrots, with lyrics translated approximately as
Chicken feet and carrots
and the neck of a swan
He who kisses the girls,
he has a hideous habit!
I was born in England
and you were born in Scania.
If you want to be my little man,
I’ll be your wife!
We’re going to have a little girl,
and she’s going to be called Rikke.
She must have curly hair
and she must sew and knit.
We are having a little boy,
and he will be called Ole.
He must have blue eyes
and he must go to school.
“Apparently, this was originally a Danish tune, which somehow arrived in Wales at some point during the mid 20th century. It was then used as the air to a popular Welsh song. Subsequently, the tune became popular with Welsh dance musicians.”
–CreadurMawnOrganig on
VFO 14-4
VFO Fall15
vfo summer 17