Haste to the Wedding

Key:  D

Form: Jig

MP3: (played slowly for learning)

Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions)

Sheet Music*: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  (The sheet music on the right is from Harding’s Original Collection of Jigs and Reels published by Paull-Pioneer Music, 1928.)



X: 1
T:Haste to the Wedding #1
C:Joe Buchanan's Scottish Tome - Page 231.3
I:231 3
Z:Carl Allison
A | "D"AFA Agf | "Em"ede "A7"fdB | "D"AFA "Bm"AdF | "Em"GFG "A7"E2 A |
"D"AFA Agf | "Em"ede "A7"fdB | "D"A2 g "A7"faf | "D"ded d2 :|
a | "D"afa afa | "G"bgb bgb | "D"afa "B7"agf | "Em"gfg "A7"efg |
"D"a2 z f2 z | "G"dee fdB | "D"A2 g faf | "Em"ded "D"d2 :|


Source: James Oswald, 1750

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Ireland, Scotland

*Notes: The sheet music I was able to find is for a slightly different version than the MP3 and video above, which we prefer.

VFO 14-4
