Key: Dmix
Form: Jig
MP3: (Played by Gina Fehr)
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF: The Hag At The Churn
X: 1 T:Hag at the Churn, The R:jig D:Bothy Band: Out of the Wind, into the Sun M:6/8 L:1/8 K:Dmix A2G ADD|A2G Adc|A2G ADD|EFG EFG:|! AdB c2G|Add efg|1 AdB c2G|EDE GED:|2 fge dcA|GEF GED||!
Source: Traditional
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Ireland
Notes: (From Jakep, comment on The Session) “Caoimhin Mac Aoidh says a correct translation of the Irish title would be “Hag in the churn.” This refers, he maintains, to the folk superstition that witches would inhabit a churn to steal butter. They could not abide this particular tune, however, so it would be played as a ward when the chore of churning butter was done.”