Key: Bm*
Form: March
MP3: (Slow for learning)
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MP3: (Melody emphasis)
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MP3: (Harmony emphasis)
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF:
Greenwoodside – melody
Greenwoodside – Harmonies
Greenwoodside – Bass Clef & Cello
X:0 T:Greenwoodside G:pipe march M:2/4 L:1/16 Q:1/4=86 K:BMin % dorian/minor hexatonic, B-final G-gap hexatonic pitch set e2|B>BB>c B2A2|B>cd>e f4|e3f e>fe>d|c2A2 A2 f2|B2B>c B2A2|B>cd>e f4|e2a2 f2ef |d2B2 B2:| de|f3d B2f2|B>BB>c f4|e3f e>fe>d|c2A2 A2 [1 de|f3d B2f2|B>BB>d f4|e2a2 f2ef |d2B2 B2:| [2 e2|B2B>c B2A2|B>cd>e f4|e2a2 f2ef |d2B2 B2|]
Source (if known): Trad.
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Scotland
*Notes: For guitar, capo 2nd fret and play Am chords:
Part A:
Am Am G G Am Am C G Am
Am Am G G Am Am G Am
Part B:
Am Am G G F F G Am