Key: G
Form: Reel
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Sheet Music in PDF: Greem Mt Petronella
span style=”font-size: 14pt;”>ABC:
X: 5 T: Green Mountain Petronella I: Green Mountain PetronellaR-42Greel M: C| R: reel K: G "G"D2G2 GFGE| D2B2 BGAB| "D"c2cB ABcd| "C"e2d2 "G"d4| "G"D2G2 GFGE| D2B2 BGAB| "D"c2A2 AGFG| "G"A2G2 G2z2 :| |:Bd| "G"gggz "D"fffz| "C"efge "G"dBGB| "C"edef "G"g2B2| "D"B2A2 A2Bd| "Em"gggz "Bm"fffz| "C"efge "G"dBGB| "C"edef "G"g2B2|1 A2 G2G2:|2 A4 GGz2|] %%text Roaring Jelly R-42 %%text 09/30/98
Source (if known): Trad.
Other Tunes in Set: Petronella
Region: Vermont(?) USA*
*Notes: not sure if this is a gen uine Vermont tune but we hope it is.