Green Apple Quickstep

Key: G

Form: Quickstep (march or reel)

MP3: (Contributed by Ellen Marshall)

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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". 

Sheet Music in PDF: Green_Apple_Quickstep


X: 1
T: Green Apple Quickstep
C: David Kaynor 1981
R: march, reel
Z: 2012 John Chambers 
S: the Roaring Jelly collection (R-62)
B: the Portland Collection v.2 p. 78
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
K: G
Bc |\
"G"d2d>e | dBGD | "C"E>GEC | "G"B,GG2 |\
"Am"A2A>B | cABc | "D7"d>^cde | d=cBA |
y3 |\
"G"G>FGA | Bdd2 | "C"e>def | "A/C#"g2ga |\
"G"b>agd | "C"ceg>e | "G"dg"D"a>f | "G"g2 |]
gf |\
"Em"e>^def | "C"g>fge | "D"d>edB | "G"d2gf |\
"C"e>fge | "G"dB"(A7)"GE | "D"D2"(A7)"F>E | "D7"DCB,A, |
y3 |\
"G"G,>B,DB, | "C"C>EGE | "D"D>FAF | "Em"G2 G>F |\
"C"EGce | "G"d>ega | "G"b2"D"a2 | "G"g2 |]


Source: David Kaynor

Other Tunes in Set

Region: USA, New England
